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An Innovative Way of Walking A Dog! 犬の新しい散歩法!


I see dog walkers every day while on an early morning walk. Dog breeds vary, e.g., Chihuahua, Shih Tzu, Pug, Pomeranian, Dachshund, Maltese, Shiba Inu, and Golden Retriever. But not only are dog breeds various. The ways of walking also vary. 

Some dogs walk steadily enjoying the fresh air in the morning with their owners. Some pull their owners on leash, enjoying themselves but exhausting the owners. And some dogs walk slowly (seemingly reluctantly) or lie down behind the owners who coax and encourage them to walk. 

And yesterday, I found another way, i.e., a dog walking slowly but appearing to enjoy sniffing around while the owner reading a newspaper behind the dog. It's so innovative that a dog and the owner both can enjoy themselves without wasting their time!     



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