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Everybody Wants to be Kissed... みんな寂しいのね。。。

This is a post about a Japanese man who wants to be kissed...

I take a morning walk every day, so I see people walking dogs every morning. But I just see them walking or playing with each other from a distance because although I like dogs, I may have an allergy to them. (Several years ago, I got itchy after I petted a dog.) Besides, given the current Covid-19 situation, dog owners may not want others to touch their dogs.

A few days ago, a middle-aged man was walking a toy poodle, and the leash prevented me from walking. He immediately apologized but also said, "She's really cute, isn't she? You can pet her." I knew that he said that out of kindness, so I said "Thank you but I have an allergy. Have a nice walk!!"

Five minutes later, however, I saw him again. He was sitting on a bench with the dog, telling it "Give your daddy a kiss, my sweetie!" again and again. He noticed me, saying this. "Hey, I got a kiss from my baby girl!" I'm a kind and considerate Japanese lady, so I said, "That's wonderful. I'm happy for you! Have a nice day!" I turned around and started to walk, telling myself, "You've got to get a kiss from your wife, buddy...."




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