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An Issue With the Japanese Translation of "A Pale View of Hills" 「遠い山並みの光」の翻訳について(再掲)

I've found some issue with the Japanese translation of "A Pale View of Hills" by Kazuo Ishiguro... 

I read "A Pale View of Hills" by Kazuo Ishiguro a few years ago. The book was my second Ishiguro's book after "Never Let Me Go." I enjoyed the book, in particular, a surprising tone change at the end of the story. The change is subtle, but I found it amazing that only a few words could completely change the view of the story. The passage was as follows:
'"You're not to speak like that," I said, angrily. We stared at each other for a moment..........
"In any case," I went on, "if you don't like it over there, we can always come back...."'
When seeing the term "angrily," I felt a slight but sudden tone change because Etsuko, the narrator and protagonist, who I thought was not an emotional or unstable women, got angry so easily at remarks made by a child like Mariko, the daughter of a friend of hers, Sachiko.

But what surprised me most was the "we can always come back" part. Until that part, I had thought that the book was about the lives of two women, i.e., Etsuko and Sachiko, who were under similar tough circumstances, but separate individuals. But when I reached the "we," such understanding crumbled because the subject was not "you" but "we." The tone is no longer "aloof," but "engaged." At that point in time, I realized that these women might be the same person or represent the two sides of one woman, i.e., Etsuko.

It also gave me some kind of answer to the question I had been asking myself while reading this book why Etsuko seemed so sad or had a sense of guilt, why Etsuko's eldest daughter Keiko had killed herself or what Etsuko was trying to achieve by telling what had happened so long time ago far away in Japan. Is that because Etsuko is finally ready to face up to the past or she is trying to do so, but only indirectly through her (imaginary?) friend Sachiko or is she just trying to justify what she did or did not do to poor Keiko?

I wanted to share these questions with someone, but could not find anyone in Amazon reviews, so I bought a Japanese translation and compared the above English passage and its Japanese translation. And I found that the passage in Japanese could be read as follows:

'"If you don't like it over there, you can always come back."'

The reason for this misinterpretation is clear. The Japanese translation has no subject, i.e., neither we nor you. This is natural because the Japanese language tends not to include the subject to avoid its repeated use because that's unnatural for Japanese. In other words, in general, as far as the subject is clear, no reference is made to it. Actually, in this Japanese passage, as the subject of the first half of the sentence is obvious (i.e., you =  Mariko), no subject is stated in it and because there is no subject in the second half of the sentence, it's natural for the reader to assume that the subject of the second half of the sentence is the same as that for the first half, i.e., "you." (I.e., This Japanese sentence includes no subject at all.)

So, if someone reads this book only in Japanese, it's impossible to see this complete change of the subject or perspective from "you" to "we" and a change of tone from "aloof" to "engaged."

If you have read "A Pale View of Hills both in English and Japanese," please let me know what you think. I would appreciate it if someone could enlighten me.

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「『そんなことを言うものじゃないわ』私は怒った声を出した。中略 『とにかく、行ってみて嫌だったら、帰ってくればいいでしょ』」







原文:"if you don't like it over there, we can always come back...."






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