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What Makes a Good Friend? よい友達とは?

I've made a new friend and she's special!
新しい友達ができました! 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I take a morning walk every day and have seen a woman running and doing exercise in a park almost every day for the last three years. She is elderly and has a slightly hunched back, but she has a workout routine, i.e., running at least two kilos (as far as I know), skipping around the park, doing some exercise to strengthen hip joints, etc., by herself.

I got interested in her first just because it's unusual for such an elderly woman to do running and a workout every day but then I started to admire her and for the last year, I've been trying to say "Good morning" if there's a chance to have a word with her.

And at last, yesterday, when I said "Good morning," she responded "I wanna do jump rope but can't...." (I do jump rope and squats every day 20 meters away from her.) Then she said that she's ninety years old and used to be a member of an exercise club but because the club was dissolved due to Covid-19, she started to do exercise on her own. It's amazing, isn't it? A ninety year old woman, who has no one she can do a workout with, has developed her own workout routine and is doing it everyday!!

We talked about our exercise and parted. It was before 6 a.m. I've decided to become like her!




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