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Mr. Kishida Should Use Adverbs Less 岸田さん、しっかりしてください

英語の後に日本語が続きます。I've been irritated by a Japanese word recently. The term is "しっかり ( shikkari )," which is so convenient that you can use it to mean various things without specifying what it really means as shown below.  
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Earwax May Mean Something to You 耳垢の話

耳垢の話です。お食事中の方は食べ終わってからお読みください😁(英語の後に日本語が続きます。) Which type is your earwax, wet or dry? I got interested in the type of earwax a few days ago when I went to an ENT clinic because I felt slight pain inside my right ear.

Japanese "Qualified Invoice" System Creates A Problem for Translators 国税庁さん、グローバル化してください!

来年10月に消費税に適格請求書が導入されるのをご存じですか。それに関するボヤキです。(英語の後に日本語が続きます。) Next October, Japan will implement a qualified invoice system for consumption tax (i.e., Japanese value added tax). And this may create or may have already created a problem for translators.